The program presents information about the human body organs in a simplified way.
يعرض البرنامج معلومات عن أعضاء جسم الإنسان بطريقة مبسطة.
نعمل على إثراء محتوى التطبيق و لهذا فهو متجدد و في إزدياد ويسرنا استقبال مقترحاتكم و ملاحظاتكم
La peau
Système nerveux
Appareil cardiovasculaire
Système musculaire
Appareil respiratoire
Appareil digestif
Human body
Corps humain
Les cellules
Maladies humains
Throughout this application, will learn about the different body systems, organs and its functionalities. Each level is followed by several practice exercises that reinforce the player’s knowledge of the human body. This is an informative game, through which learner will be able to identify human body systems parts, functions and importance.