Salatuk app indicates you the Prayer timing, the Mosques near you and the Qibla
Salatuk app indicates you the Prayer timing, the Mosques near you and the Qibla direction wherever you are.
The program helps you in maintaining your prayers, as the program can determine your country Prayer times, and determine qibla direction. The Salatuk algorithm supports a large Prayer calculation methods adopted by many Muslim countries. Depending on your location, the application choose the appropriate calculation method, Fiqhi school and Adhan.
However, if you want, you can also change the prayer method manually in the "Settings" tab. For an accurate localization, please ensure that your location settings and your Internet connection or your GPS are enabled!
Application Features:
• Notification for each prayer with the ability to choose the sound from multiple adhans.
• Reminder before adhan with the ability to choose the duration for each prayer.
• Multiple widgets
• Ahadith nabawia from Sahih Al Bukhari
• Updating location in background to get accurate prayer times without the need to change configuration.
• A Compass to show the Qibla direction.
• View monthly prayer times.
• Ability to adjust prayer times manually.