Age calculator caluclates age and birthday calculator
Age calculator is best app to calculate your age in a new way. By using this birthday calculator app you can calculate your age in a best way. It calculates your age in two different ways. free, top , 2018, pro, age calculator: reminder special day, age calculation app, date calculator,age calclculator by date of birth
age calculator app birthday calculator
Smart Age Calculator
Date calculator
upcoming birthday calculator
Real age calculator
calculation app
Age calculation app
how old am i, age calculator orignal can tell about thae age accurately.One way is scanning while other way is by taking birth date. Scanning is a new way introduced in this app it is the main feature of this app by using this technique you have to provide your photo or take fresh picture through camera age calculator will find out your age. While for second technique obtains your birthday date and tell yours current age.
How old are you in years, months, weeks, days, minutes or seconds?
In age calculator app easily calculate age from date of birth or calculate anniversary from your marriage day. You can calculate two date difference by using age calculator app. age calculator for years, Calculate the age based on the date of birth. AGE CALCULATOR, birthday calulator app to calculate upcoming birthday,
It is the best wedding date planner app. Calculates wedding date with more accuracy just provides your wedding date. It will automatically tell you wedding anniversary.
Features of Age Calculator Free
- Calculate your actual age/anniversary in years, age/anniversary in months and age/anniversary in days by giving you date of birth or Anniversary with more accuracy.
- Calculate date difference in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds by date calculator.
- Calculates age from photo.
- Upcoming 10 birthdays or anniversary with days name.
- Easily share your actual age to other.
- Save birthday or anniversary, change date format, generate notification etc.
- It is very simple and easy to use.
- Use the app and have fun.
- Totally FREE!
How to use New Age Calculator app 2018:
* Just install and open age calculator app in your device.
* It request you to provide your picture or date of birth provide one of both.
* Scans through picture and tells your date of birth.
* By obtaining date of birth more accurate results are taken.
Best Age Calculator is very easy and simple to use with a beautiful design. By using this age calculator app you can calculate supposed age of yourself, your baby, family, friends and everyone. It also provide you facility to calculate actual age in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. It also helps you to calculate your wedding anniversary with more accuracy. So get the app, use it and have fun.