Japanese-English dictionary which includes half million words. Works fast!
Akita - new Japanese-English offline dictionary.
*** New 1.5 version ***
- Bug with default launcher was fixed
It contains almost 200000 Japanese word entries. You can search words by romaji(roman alphabet letters), hiragana, katakana and kanji characters. It also includes 13000 kanji characters which was defined by their kunyomi(japanese reading), onyomi(chinese reading) and meaning in English language. In order to help Japanese language learners, dictionary contains conjugated forms of verbs and adjectives.
*** Search ***:
By Japanese: hiragana, katakana, kanji, romaji(latin letters) - almost 200000 words
By English: almost 300000 words
By conjugated words('ikimashita' will give results of 'iku')
*** Kanji ***:
Information about grade, JLPT level, frequency and stroke count
Compounds: list of words in which particular kanji is used
*** Kanji ***:
Information about grade, JLPT level, frequency and stroke count
Compounds: list of words in which particular kanji is used
*** Conjugation ***:
present, negative, past, past negative, 'masu' form, 'te' form, potential, passive, causative, passive causative, conditional, past conditional, imperative, volitional
*** History ***:
History of looked up words
*** Bookmarks***:
Create your own collection
Add new words to collections
Study or review words with flashcards
Collection of books from Aozora Bunko online library
Book Downloader - after downloading you can read it offline
Instant translation - if you click on sentence, most of words will be translated
Instructions how to download a new book
Please note that, bookmarks, flashcards and book reader functions are on testing mode.
If you find bug or have any questions, suggestions and ideas for improvement, do not hesitate to write e-mail to joericharduz@gmail.com. I will be glad hear from you.
While developing this application, material from JMdict/EDICT and Kanjidic2 projects were used in accordance with the licence provisions of the Electronic Dictionaries Research Group. For more information, see:http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/jmdict.html and http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/kanjidic2/
keywords: Japanese, English, dictionary, hiragana, katakana, kanji, JLPT, conjugation, Japanese-English dictionary, English-Japanese dictionary, Akita, noryoku shiken, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, Japan