Use the Athena Farms Mobile app for quick and easy ordering.
On the Athena Farms Mobile app it’s easy to check the status of all recent and outstanding orders. You can see when the order is scheduled to be delivered, as well as edit an order that has not been processed.
Use our app 24/7 to place your orders with real-time pricing. View our current deals and specials. Browse our catalog by class or brand name or use our search icon for convenient ordering. Pricing, product image, brand name, unit of measure, and pack size information is always available.
On our app, you also have access to detailed accounts receivable information such as open invoices and payment dates. Information provided includes invoice dates, aging breakdown, invoice numbers, invoice status, invoice amounts, payments, credits, last payment dates, and check numbers. On this tab you will also have access to your invoice copies!
Download the Athena Farms Mobile app today!