You don't need to spent more time searching for BABY METAL songs lyrics.
Music Lyrics Apps is a collection of most famous artist singers band solo etc, from many various genres; alternative pop rock classic oldies trending blues jazz hip-hop rap and many others.
album: "BABYMETAL" (2014)
Megitsune (メギツネ; Female Fox)
Gimme Chocolate!! (ギミチョコ!!; Gimme Choco!!)
Iine! (いいね!; It's Good!)
Akatsuki (紅月-アカツキ-; Crimson Moon -Dawn-)
Doki Doki ☆ Morning (ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング; Heartbeat Morning)
Onedari Daisakusen (おねだり大作戦; Begging Operation)
Song 4 (4の歌; 4 No Uta)
Uki Uki ★ Midnight (ウ・キ・ウ・キ★ミッドナイト; Cheerful Midnight)
Catch Me If You Can
Rondo Of Nightmare (悪夢の輪舞曲; Akumu No Rondo)
Head Bangya!! (ヘドバンギャー!!; Headbanger!!)
Ijime Dame Zettai (イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ; No More Bullying)
Road Of Resistance[Bonus Track]
album: "Metal Resistance" (2016)
Road Of Resistance
Awadama Fever (あわだまフィーバー; Bubble Fever)
Yava! (ヤバッ! Yaba!)
Amore (-蒼星-; Love: Blue Star)
Meta Taro (メタ太郎)
Sis. Anger
No Rain, No Rainbow
Tales Of The Destinies
The One (English Version)
Syncopation (シンコペーション)
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