Approach the Bible through these magnificent videos
This free application aims to bring the Bible to all Christians in a pleasant way. It is composed of a series of videos that can be read and / or listen to some of the best known Bible verses. By installing this application you will on your mobile a small virtual bible that over time will grow, because the goal is to increasingly including videos.
In this app you can find Bible verses for youth, Bible verses about love, courage, encouragement and motivation.
Certainly there is no better way out of a moment of grief or for happiness with an approach to Jesus. This is essential to go to the Bible and with the completion of this application intend to facilitate this approach, by viewing these videos at any time: when you travel, before sleep, while eating ... Any time is right to embrace and let us embraced by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Some of the videos you'll find are:
Letter from God to you with voice.
John 3:16, explanation of the best-known verse.
Biblical phrases that will raise your spirits.
Scripture quotations on motivation.
How to seek God.
Source: youtube