Tap anything on the screen to get its Hexadecimal and RGB colour values
With Camera Colour Detector, you can point your phone at any object around you and get its hexadecimal and RGB colour values. Simply open the app, point your phone at anything or anyone around you. Tap any part of the screen to get its hexadecimal and RGB colour values. The hexadecimal colour value is automatically copied to your phone's clipboard.
Camera Colour Detector is built with ease of use in mind, and has a minimal UI. Unlike other colour detector apps, this one automatically copies colour values to your clipboard so you don't have to stay inside the app for a long time. Just get in the app, get colour values you need, and get out. This app functions both as a hex colour picker and a rgb colour picker.
⚫ Opens straight into the camera view, has a minimal interface
⚫ Support for both front and back cameras.
⚫ Support for flash
⚫ Pinch to Zoom
⚫ Long tap to focus and correct exposure.
⚫ You can change the white balance to get accurate colour values in any type of lighting.
⚫ Hex colour values are automatically copied to the device's clipboard.
⚫ You can permanently save upto 25 colour values.
⚫ Requires only the Camera Permission.