Code with Blocks allows you to edit block based code on your device!
Code with Blocks allows you to use a block based programming language on your device. It is a great tool to introduce anyone to the joys of programming by allowing them to create their own animations or games using programming features like variables, if statements and for loops.
The easy-to-use interface means anyone can quickly learn to use it – the coding elements are presented as blocks which can snapped together allowing games or animations to be quickly created. As you create and play block based projects, you learn important problem-solving and logical skills, learn how to think creatively and programmatically. If you want to introduce yourself to the world of computer coding there is no better place to start!
Main Features
• Edit and play block-based projects offline.
• Learn to code using a simple block-based language
• Have fun exploring and playing projects by other creators!
Important Information
We recommend using a device with a screen large than 5-inches for the best experience. Some particularly large and complicated projects may run with reduced performance on older devices.
Disclaimer: This application is not in any way, shape or form associated or endorsed by the Scratch Team at the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT Media Lab. The Scratch name and Scratch logo are trademarks of MIT.