Beautiful Daisy Wallpaper Graphics HD Backgrounds Free!
Beautiful Daisy Wallpaper Graphics HD Backgrounds Free!
Daisy genus of perennial plants in the family Asteraceae. Representatives of the genus small herbaceous plant with a short rhizome and spatulate obtuse crenate basal leaves Ground stalk leafless developing one head. Leaves covered oblong dull blackish collected in two rows. At the bare conical receptacle developing female edge reed flowers white or pink and medial tubular bisexual yellow achene flattened with no crest. Numerous garden variety daisies belong mostly to the form common daisy which is cultivated usually as a biennial plant.
Daisies are grown in gardens on any good soil. Grandiflora varieties of daisy usually does not tolerate severe frosts so in winter they should cover. Older specimens begin to degenerate and simple flowers bloom so they should dig up and divide into several parts it is best to carry out this operation in the summer after flowering.
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