Your portal to Virtual Reality content
Your portal to Virtual Reality: The Dive App
Dive into the game and discover more
Play videos from your smartphone or the web with our brand new in-game filebrowser!
Supported features include head-track-following for automatically centered view, planar view and spherical projection. Video contents with single image, Side-By-Side and Over-Under format supported.
Dive can be controlled with touch or magnet button. You can use the in-game filebrowser or an external content provider like the gallery, a file manager, the download folder app etc).Touch the screen or trigger the magnet in video player, to show settings menu.
Version 2.5
- added PDF support
Version 2.4
- Fixed left/right issue with sbs videos
Version 2.3
- Added immersive mode for devices with softbuttons
- Fixed resolving of content:// uris
- Improved video playback and controls
- Tuned app start
Version 2.2
- Removed Depth of Field effect
Version 2.1
- Fixed 'black screen' issue
Version 2.0
- Fixed memory allocation error when loading many big textures at once
Version 1.9
- Changed design and added in-game filebrowser
Version 1.8
- Fixed video bug that occurred on tablets
Version 1.7
- Added support for tablets
Version 1.6
- Fixed Video Bug
Version 1.4
- New layout and features for more content
Version 1.3
- Improved usage for starting apps
Version 1.2
- Added accelerometer fallback support for devices with no gyro, performance will not be the same without gyro
- Improved tracking convergence.
- Fullscreen support on devices with navigation bars