This application contains Dua's for Self Protection in real life.
Islamic authentic duaa or supplications that help you protect from various difficulties and calamities facing in everyday life goes.
Topics include...
- Protection against the punishment of the Grave
- Protection from Hellfire
- Protection from Shirk
- Protection from the Nafs
- Protection form Accidents and calamities
- Protection from Jinn
- Protection from Satan
- Protection against your Enemy
- Protection of your Faith
- Protection of the Children
- Protection against the FItnah of Women
- What to say when you feel Frightened
- Protection from Dajjal
However this app has been accomplished various navigation approaches and leads to make it user friendly.
You can play audio if you like, and more options....
Please email if you find any mistake. Thank you :)
keyword: Dua, self protection, supplication