This helps transfer files from your mobile to any device,,Computers etc.
Often you need to transfer files on your smartphone to another smartphone, which can be easily achieved with Bluetooth , Wi-Fi Direct etc. But, sometimes you may need to copy files from your mobile or tablet to Computer or laptop, as well. If Bluetooth is not available with your Computer, you helplessly need a USB cable, without which you cannot get the transfer done.
This application lets you transfer files on your mobile phone's SD card (External Storage) to a Computer, the latter requiring any software other than a very simple web browser. All you need is to have Wi-Fi connectivity (over LAN, hence no data charges apply) between your Computer and your Desktop, which is easily available, even though you may not have a Wi-Fi router/ access point. Android devices themselves serve as Wi-Fi Hot spot nowadays.
Please follow the screen shots and the Video that you find here to use this application.