Fart Sounds Prank
Fart sounds is a game soundboard with which you set the farts as ringtones. This application is perfect to spend a good time with friends. Our crazy soundboard has a selection of over 40 hilariously brilliant fart sound effects and fart songs for you to enjoy! It is designed to entertain children and adolescents experience different and fun making fart sounds, will be capable of sounding fart jokes from his cell and create hilarious situations.
People are calling Atomic Fart:
"The best fart machine out so far!"
"The ultimate in mobile farting!"
"Exceptional compared to the other fart apps"
"Most awesome app money can buy!"
These realistic toots can be played in public as a great prank pleasure or used to annoy some of your friends. Ranging from the disgusting wet fart to the small but deadly squeak!