Islamic Baby Names helps muslims to choose names for baby with meanings.
Congratulations to you who are welcoming the beloved baby, hope become saleh and saleha (pious). Aamiin
Nama Bayi Islami is an application that contains a collection of Islamic baby names that allows you to give a name to your baby.
What's in Islamic Baby Names?
* Tips for Choosing Baby Names
* Names Containing Asmaa-ul Husna
* The names of the Prophets and Apostles
* The names of Khulafaa-ur Raasyidiin
* The names of the 10 Companions of the Prophet were guaranteed Paradise
* The names of the Prophet's Wives
* The names of the Prophet's children
* The names for Baby Boys
* The names for Baby Girl
* Mix names - for boys or girl
* There is a search feature that allows you to find a name to your favorite.
* There is a favorite feature that allows you to save the name and you can combine these names if you want to use more than one word.
Hopefully this application is useful and can find the name for your baby.
Please provide your feedback to make this app better.