This application is a handy reference to the Elecraft KX1 Owner's Manual
The KX1 Micro Manual application is intended to be a handy reference to the Elecraft KX1 Owner's Manual which is available on the Elecraft web site at
Most of the text in the application is taken directly from the KX1 Owner's Manual with changes in format made to accommodate the Android Phone architecture.
In addition to the full text of the KX1 Owner's Manual, the application includes operating instructions for the KXAT1 Automatic Antenna Tuner, KXPD1 Plug-In
Keyer Paddle, KXB30 30-Meter Adapter, and KXB3080 30 and 80 Meter Adapter.
Users may search each chapter of the Owner's Manual or the entire Owner's Manual at once to find keywords or phrases in the text. Found text is highlighted in yellow.