Malaysia & Kuala Lumpur train,lrt,mrt and public transport apps with offline map
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Train Map. Malaysia Train map for Komuter, LRT, MRT and monorail – is useful when travelling in Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley. Getting started is simple, just browse train station from offline map, or search the station by using the filter function. You can also navigate to any station using map.
Download the application now.
Offline KL Train map
Update MRT, LRT, KTM Komputer , ERL KLIA transit route
Pin, Pan , move and Zoom functionality
New modern material design interface.
New high HD map quality with small footprint (updated Map Oct 2016)
New Kuala Lumpur MRT map.
New Fare for LRT and Monorail
New train frequency and operating hour detail.
New simple Interactive map.
Push Notification
Suitable for daily traveler and tourist.