Mandala live wallpaper - reinventing the wheel
A wallpaper for meditation and contemplation. Animated machines draw beautiful patterns. One reviewer described it as "Hasbro's Spirograph meets steam punk"; others write of being mesmerized by the patterns. See for yourself.
Because it uses a mostly black background and uses no sensors, it is very battery efficient.
This is a Live Wallpaper, not an application. After you download it, it will NOT be displayed in your list of applications.
Different versions of Android install Live Wallpapers differently. Try pressing MENU on your phone, select "Wallpapers", then "Live Wallpapers", then "Mandala". If you can't do this, google how to install live wallpapers for your version of Android.
Swipe up for a new Mandala
Keywords: Hasbro Spirograph, mandala, meditation, beautiful patterns live wallpaper