What is the importance of microprocessor systems in our life?
This Includes :-
1. Introduction to Microprocessor
2. Components of Microprocessor
3. Instruction Cycle
4. Intel 8085 Microprocessor
5. Programming with Intel 8085 Microprocessor
6. Basic I/O, Memory R/W and Interrupt Operation
7.Input/Output Interfaces
1. Develop the knowledge of internal structure of Microprocessor.
2. Develop the basic concept of how data flow from memory unit to microprocessor
3. Develop the knowledge of how to do simple assembly language program in 8085
microprocessor Kit or in software simulator
4. It helps students about the interfacing of microprocessor
Learning Outcomes
1. Develop simple concept of microprocessor based system
2. Develop the flow chart, algorithm, of simple 8085 microprocessor
3. Develop the skill to operate the 8085 microprocessor.
4. Develop simple assembly language program like addition, subtraction, multiplication,
memory related operations etc.
5. Develop more complex program like copying the contents of memory from source to
6. Learn the 8085 software simulator kit to write assembly code