Configuration utility for Siteco outdoor luminairs.
Registered users can configure Siteco / Osram outdoor luminaires (EMEA portfolio) with the Plus performance package using the DALI protocol. In order to connect the application to a streetlight the user will also requiea a Siteco Service Box hardware.
The app is designed with easy to use workflows allowing an intuitive operation.
You can create your own profile with the LumIdent app. Furthermore, you can share configuration profiles with other users of the app within your organization. This is made possible by backing up profiles to the Osram / Tvilight Cloud. Thus profiles can not be lost and are always up to date with the latest technology.
If there is a DALI connection with the luminaire, the current status can be queried and displayed via the diagnostics function.
For the LumiDent ID label (QR code), the functions of the basic package / Plus / Premium-version (QR code) are sufficient to provide comprehensive product documentation online. This includes Z-Type data sheets and assembly instructions, but also supplementary information such the configuration of plus lights. When the LumIdent QR-Code is scanned with the app, information about the product characteristics of a luminaire are displayed as of time of shipment.
Optionally, lights can be registered on the Osram/Tvilight cloud. For users of the app the LumIdent ID label contains additional information such as luminaire location, installation date, luminaire history, etc.