پاؤلو کوئلہو کی کتابوں اور تحریروں کے 100 سے زیادہ مشہور جملے اور اقوال۔
Paulo Coelho, is a Brazilian lyricist and novelist.
The Alchemist, easily known as his most successful story, is a story about a young shepherd who follows his spiritual journey to the Egyptian pyramids in search of a treasure.
Since the publication of The Alchemist, Coelho has generally written other novels among which we mention:
By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, The Fifth Mountain, Veronika Decides to Die, The Devil and Miss Prym, Eleven Minutes, Like the Flowing River,Brida, The Valkyries, The Winner Stands Alone, The Zahir,The Witch of Portobello, Aleph (novel), Manuscript Found in Accra and Adultery, The Manual of the Warrior of Light, Eleven Minutes,etc.
Motivational Sayings, Reflections , Thoughts, Quotations and Inspiring Citations from various of his books of Coelho .
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