salaat first provides Muslim prayer times and Qibla leadership
Salaat First calculates local prayer times accurately using multiple conventions.
Application Features:
• Notification for each prayer with the ability to choose the sound from multiple adhans.
• Reminder before adhan with the ability to choose the duration for each prayer.
• Finding the location using GPS, or manually by searching in a database with more than 40000 city, or using internet.
• Multiple widgets
• Ahadith nabawia from Sahih Al Bukhari
• Updating location in background to get accurate prayer times without the need to change configuration.
• A Compass to show the Qibla direction.
• View monthly prayer times.
• Ability to adjust prayer times manually.
There is several types of Adhkar: such as Morning and Evening, Well-known islamic prayers, and much more!
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Adan Priere Gratuit
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Aw9at Salat
Awkat salat
Adan Maroc
Adhan Maroc
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تنبيهات أوقات الصلاة صلاة الأذان أذان الأدان أدان الاذان اذان الادان ادان أحاديث نبوية بوصلة القبلة مواقيت إمكانية تعديل أوقات الصلاوات صلاوات عربية، انجليزية وفرنسية Adhan Adan Azhan priere salaat salat prayer Qibla Notification adhans Ahadith nabawia widgets Compass priéres horaires salaat salaty صلاتي maroc الصلاة اولا الادان المغرب الادان الجزائر الادان تونس salat Maroc salat Algérie salat Tunisie adan Maroc adan Tunisie adan Algérie salaat first salat first salaat maroc salat maroc