It is about Sabarimala Swami Ayyappan App. 108 SaranaGosham, songs & wallpaper
Saranam Ayyappa is about Sabarimala Swami Ayyappan Special App. This app is suitable to Tamil Hindu religious people.
+ About Sabarimala yaathirai information
+ Fasting methods
+ Ayyappan Mantra's &Sloka's
+ 108 SaranaGosham
+ Ayyapa Songs lyrics
+ Wallpaper gallery
+ Audio Songs
*** Offline App support and video songs will be added very soon.
Note: This app is free, but you may be charged for the internet usage when you are using the app, specially for listing the audio songs. Better use Wi-Fi to avoid additional charges.
Please send your suggestions and feedback to and we are looking forward to get your support to improve this app.