A simple shopping list with a clean, no-frills design.
A simple shopping list with a clean, no-frills design.
- Smart suggestions: The shopping list will remember items that were previously on the list and suggests them again when adding new items. No need to spell out 'potatoes' every week.
- Localization: The shopping list will automatically use the currency and decimal separator of the phone's locale.
- Sorting: Items can be sorted either alphabetically or by quantity, price or state.
- Sharing: Share the content of your shopping list by SMS, email, Facebook ect.
- Add items using the text field at the top of the list. The text field supports simple pattern recognition, allowing you to write something like '4l milk' or '2 steaks.'
- Press the name of an item to mark it as bought.
- Press the quantity to adjust the number of items to buy
- Press the price of an item to adjust the expected price
- Press and hold an item to move it up or down on the list
If the locale is Danish, then the available tags will include a list of local shops (as seen in one of the screenshots). This is rather useful if you want to remember to buy an item where it's cheapest, for example.