ARE YOU READY TO TAKE OFF?Become a pilot ace of a classic British aircraft.
✪Sky Fighters ★★★★★
Become a pilot ace of a classic British fighter aircraft and engage in combat missions in WW2.
Try this unique flight simulator. Take off from the airport and destroy enemies in the sky and on the ground. Control your pitch, roll and yaw. Increase engine power to accelerate or use flaps when you need to slow down.
Play Campaign and accomplish missions in storm of bullets. Destroy enemy warplanes, armed military ground vehicles, tanks, trains and enemy air defenses east of the Atlantic Fleet. It is your job to crush their rise to glory. There is also a battle where you can try to achieve the highest score as you can by downing enemies in dogfight where enemy has air supremacy.
In any time of any mission you can return to the base for repair your airplane or replenish bombs.
Use the third view for accurate bombing.
Take your time and get used to control.
GOOD LUCK Gamblers and wheels up!