Sleeky offers ultimate convenience for car wash & laundry services at your door.
One stop app for Car Wash and Laundry at your front door.
We provide 100% quality service guarantee. We cater for your busy schedule by providing you options to book now or for a later time.
With Sleeky, you do not need to waste time. Just fill up your sleek bag for laundry and we will take care of the rest or provide us your address to wash your car and you will see it shiny, when you look at it again.
Why Use Sleeky?
+ Premium Quality – 100% Service Guaranteed.
- At a low cost
- We ensure our partners are well trained and have had prior experience
+ Environmentally Friendly
- We ensure we use the eco-friendliest solutions to wash your cars or dry your clothes.
+ Fast Service
- We are fast at providing service, within 10 minutes we provide the service.
+ Cash or Cashless Convenience
- Pay by credit card or cash. We give you the flexibility.
+ Exceptional Support
- We provide support 24/7 and we make sure you are always in safe hands
• Book via app or call 0477-360215