SQL Training App (Learn by Simple Examples)
SQL Training App
Learn Anywhere, Anytime !!!
* Database basics.
* SQL Commands/Statements.
* Complete CRUD Statements.
* Single Row & Group Functions.
* DDL, DML, TCL & DCL Commands.
* Joins & Sub-queries.
* Views, Index, Synonyms, Sequences.
-------- FEATURE ---------
- Contains SQL with Simple Examples.
- Very simple User Interface (UI).
- Step by Step examples to learn SQL.
- This SQL Training App is completely OFFLINE.
- Page-wise Navigation by Left/Right Arrow Button.
- Chapter-wise Navigation using Menu
- App is compatible with Tablets.
- App doesn't contain Ad.
----- SQL Tutorials Description ------
1. Oracle SQL Introduction
2. Simple SELECT Command
3. Create Table & Constraints
4. DML Commands
5. SQL Built-in Functions
6. Group By & Having Clause
8. SQL Join Queries
9. SQL Subqueries
10. Index, Synonyms & Sequences
11. DDL Commands
12. TCL Commands
13. DCL Commands
----- Suggestions Invited -----
Please send your suggestions regarding this SQL Training App by email at biit.bhilai@gmail.com.
##### We wish you all the best !!! #####