SysPro : App for System Programming of Third Year Computer Science & Engineering
SysPro is an Android Mobile Application for System Programming subject of Third Year of Computer Science and Engineering.
This app is developed by Mrs. Sunita Milind Dol (e-mail ID: and Mr. P. S. R. Patnaik (e-mail ID: For this app, we received the INSPIRE-Content Guru Award - 2015 from INFOSYS LIMITED, Pune, Maharashtra.
System Programming subject contains six chapters namely Language Processor, Assembler, Macro and Macro Preprocessor, Compilers and Interpreters, Linker and Loader
For each chapter, Notes, Power Point Presentations, Quiz, Question Bank and Games like Word Scramble, Cross Word and Word Match are provided.
1.Language Processors: Introduction, language processing activities, Fundamentals of language processing, Fundamentals of language processing, Fundamentals of language specification, Language Processor development tools.
2.Assemblers: Elements of assembly language programming, A simple assembly scheme, Pass structure of assemblers, Design of a two pass assembler, A single pass assembler for IBM PC.
3.Macros and Macro Processors: Macro definition and call, Macro Expansion, Nested macro calls, Advanced macro facilities, Design of Macro preprocessor.
4. Compilers and Interpreters: Aspects of compilation, Compilation of expressions, Static and dynamic memory allocation, Memory allocation in block structured languages, Code optimization, Interpreters
5. Linker : Relocation and linking concepts, Design of a linker, Self-relocating programs, Linking for Overlays.
6. Loaders: Function of loader, General loader scheme, Absolute loader, Relocating loader, Direct linking loader, Dynamic loading, Design of direct linking loader.
System Programming and Operating Systems -- 2nd Edition D.M. Dhamdhere (TMGH)
System Programming -- J. J. Donovan (Mc-Graw Hill)