Turn your Smartphone into Wireless Programmer/Debugger for Arduino/ESP82xx
Turn your Smartphone into Wireless Programmer/Debugger for Arduino/ESP82xx
Tested clones: UNO USB, UNO TTL, Mega 2560 USB, DUE USB, ESP8266 TTL, ESP8285 TTL.
On PC side you can use Arduino and Arduino-like IDEs(VisualMicro, Energia, Frizing).
To create virtual COM port useful are Tibbo VSP Manager(tibbo.com/soi/software.html) or HW VSP3(www.hw-group.com/products/hw_vsp/index_en.html).
Configure Virtual Port settings according the above pictures. IP address must be your smartphone address. Use this COM Port # in your Development Suite.
For communication with target device, FT232, CH340, CP2102 based USB-TTL adapters may be used. You should connect the adapter to smartphone before launching TCP Prog.
Currently, it is not possible to program USB equipped ESP modules via USB, because of driver timing limitations, but it could be remarkable programmed via pins.