Texas Jasmine Smart phone Ordering App for our Valued Members.
Welcome to Texas Jasmine Wholesale, One of the premier and largest wholesaler & distributors of convenient and grocery store suppliers serving since 1992.
The Texas Jasmine Wholesale free Smartphone Ordering App is a great resource for our customers/members, which gives them instant access to our 7000+ products. Our Mobile Phone App is integrated with our online database, which gives our Customers/Members up-to-date product information. Save time & money while you make your purchase orders at your business or on the go.
We are committed to give our members state of the art most efficient ordering system in the Industry Benefits of the Smartphone App:
Code READr
Eliminates Manual Ordering
Know Price before You order
See Pictures of all the Products We carry
Get subtotals based on 3 Major Categories
Premium Cigarette Total
Generic Cigarette Total
General Merchandise Total & Grand Total
Promotions & New Arrivals
Keeps Customers updated with all the latest promotions & new arrivals
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Digital Planogram
Unique features only available for Texas Jasmine Members that eliminates the old practice of managing and tagging your shelf.
A new and innovative way to manage and order your inventory from your shelf quickly and easily when the product is out by using Planogram.