Bible FAQ by topic, Jesus' Teachings, Bible Quizzes, Ask a Bible Question, more.
"Summary and History of the Bible" is a quick overview of the Bible. Topics include What is the Bible?, The Old Testament: Background and Synopsis, The New Testament: Background and Synopsis, Unity of the Bible, Bible Interpretation, Bible Translations, Books of the Old Testament and Books of the New Testament.
"Bible FAQ" - Frequently Asked Questions about the Bible. Here are the answers to Bible questions that we have been asked most often. Topics include tithing, premarital sex, homosexuality, humility, women, marriage and divorce, abortion, Bible translations, proper dress, Christian values, salvation, money, suicide, the end-times, the Sabbath, forgiveness of sins, prayer, creation, love, heaven, hell, Satan, and many more.
"Bible Stories." Well known Bible stories for children, teens, adults and all ages. Includes Creation, Noah's Ark, Abraham, The Tower of Babel, The Sermon on the Mount, The Birth of Jesus, The Good Samaritan, Easter and more.
"Wisdom of the Bible" is an exploration of the Bible's major wisdom teachings as they relate to everyday life. Topics include Family Life, Generosity, Government, Wealth, Humility, Good vs. Evil, and Bible Translations.
"Jesus' Teachings, as Told in the Gospels." A Summary of the Teachings of Jesus During His Three Years of Earthly Ministry. Topics include the Gospels, Who is Jesus?, God's Love for Mankind, The Kingdom of God, Love the Lord Your God, Love Your Neighbor as Yourself, Ethics and Morality and The Parables of Jesus.
"Bible Quizzes." Test your knowledge of the Bible with these automatically scored quizzes. Topics include Books of the Bible, Famous Quotations, Bible Basics, Youth Section, Famous Stories, Parables of Jesus, Moses, Jesus' Life and Ministry, Jesus' Teachings and Bible Versions. A new "Quiz of the Week" is posted every Wednesday.
"Bible Crossword Puzzles." Interactive crossword puzzles with Biblical themes.
"Bible Word Search Puzzles." Interactive word search puzzles with Biblical themes. Find all the Bible words in the puzzles. The leftover letters reveal the mystery word.
"Bible Studies." Nonsectarian, devotional, and suitable for use by all Christians. Each lesson consists of a Bible reading assignment and a number of thought-provoking questions intended to lead us to a deeper understanding of the Bible and how it applies to our faith and our lives.
"Ask a Bible Question." Want to know what the Bible has to say on a particular topic? Or where to find a particular verse? Or some other Bible question? Ask here to get a personal reply by email.