Free icon set pack for Weather ACE version 1.9.3+.
ATTENTION: This is a free icon set pack for Weather ACE application version 1.9.3+. Please make sure that you have Weather ACE application version 1.9.3+ before using the widget pack.
You can check Weather ACE application version via Menu->Settings-->About or just use latest version of Weather ACE from Google Play.
The icon pack contains 26 free weather icon sets, including better (by picture quality and number of icons) versions of icon sets presented in the Weather ACE and Weather ACE Clock Widget Pack. I will add new icon sets every week for next several weeks.
All the pictures belong to their creators! Do not redistribute or reuse the icon sets without of their permits!
The application completely free of charges, but should be used only with Weather ACE application.
How to use: After installing the icon pack you should be able to use included icons sets in common way: check Menu->Settings->Themes->Weather icon theme.