Local weather forecast, weather today, weather tomorrow, weather radar & widget
Track and view weather forecasts and current conditions for “My Location” to get real-time updates wherever you want, or add any location you choose. Weather Application has outstanding design, makes getting your weather info both easy and fun.
Weather is easy to use app for staying always updated with weather conditions. The Widget is totally free, and it comes with many cool widgets .
It's specifically designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible. With just one click you receive the weather condition and forecasts in your display at your current location
Please download our Weather forecast app. You will see that Weather today is updated hourly. Weather forecast app also has a weather report on weather today, weather tomorrow, also 10 day forecast.
Weather app detects weather forecasts in your current location automatically. There are many information in weather forecasts which includes atmospheric pressure, weather condition, visibility distance, relative humidity, precipitation in different unites, dew point, wind speed and direction, in addition to 8 days future forecast, also hourly weather forecast.
Real-time temperature, humidity, pressure, wind force and wind direction are all in this weather app based.
❄️ detect your location by network or GPS.
☀️ Free. It is a free Weather channel, weather network.
☁️ Global. You can see weather in any places you like, ex: London weather, Paris weather, San Francisco weather, Houston weather
☀️ Full report. Displays all information of weather: location time, temperature, atmospheric pressure, weather condition, visibility distance, relative humidity, precipitation in different unites, dew point, wind speed and direction.
☁️ Live weather forecast for free: this weather and climate app offers daily weather, hourly weather forecasts and monthly weather forecasts. Meanwhile, it also provides interstate travel weather forecasts and forecast weather and wind.
☀️ local weather forecast: weather today, weather tomorrow, 3 days later, 7 days later, … hourly weather in each hour.
☀️Manage the weather reports in multiple locations
☁️Has weather notifications. If you don't like you can turn off this feature
☀️ Weather forecast is very accurate and reliable
☀️Realtime local temperature checker & live local weather:
Detailed real-time weather reports, including real-time weather conditions and temperatures, “feeling” temperatures, precipitation, UV index, humidity, visibility, pressure, pollen count, sunrise and sunset times.
☁️Hourly/Daily Forecast:
Detailed weather forecasts, including weather conditions, maximum/minimum temperatures, precipitation, wind, etc. You can check all of this data every day or even every hour.
☔️Precipitation Forecast:
Tell you to bring an umbrella with you before it rains.
🌂Severe weather alerts:
Inform you the real-time weather alerts and warnings.
🌈Weather & Clock Widgets:
Easily check the current & future weather info via widgets in 2*1, 4*1, 4*2, 5*1, 5*2 sizes. In the meantime, all weather widgets can switch between different themes.
⚡️Customize Your weather channel:
- Local Conditions: Access to local weather conditions, weather map & weather radar
- Temperature Units: Fahrenheit (°F), Celsius (°C)
- Wind Units: MPH, KPH, Knots and MAPS
- Pressure Units: Inches and millibars
please download weather forecast app and use as a weather channel to get weather information hourly and daily.