Whatz web : QR whatscan is tool for status save whatsdirect for unsaved numbers.
Whatsweb:QR scan is tool has mainly 3 unique features.
1. QR scan
2. Status saver for Whatsweb
3. Direct chat for Whatscan
Hence name is Whatsweb: QR scan
whatz web 2019
whatscan 2019
If you want to save whats scan status and want to share message with someone without saving there number. In your mobile or else want to scan or generate than you are at right place.
Use of this Application
1. Whatscan status saver saves recent whatsapp statuses.
2. You can use QR code scanner and generator as well.
3. Whatsdirect i.e. unsaved no. Can also be sent a message from this whatsweb application.
You can search our app here with the name
Whatscan web
Status saver for whatzapp
Story saver status downloader
Story saver for whatsapp
Qr scan , qr app
Whatz web++
what’s new here
let us tell you what interesting hotspot app stuff
we have for you all this time:
● Whatz saver can track anyone’s whatzapp status.
Features of the application
● This status saver application is used to save whatz web status.
● status saver 2018 is used to save picture status.
● status downloader Whatz app can be used to save videos.
● status save whatzapp application can be used as status glance for whatscan 2019.
● status saver app is used to check every one of your contacts whatzapp status.
● status saver download application gives instant save of pictures and videos.
● status saver for whatzapp is using US English or united states english for user interaction.
● fastsave for whatzapp application provides you the feedback option where you can contact to application developer.
● satus downloader is developed to help people who need to save friend and family status
to save them in their own phone.
● save from net is helpful to get everyones status instantly.
● status download application is whatzweb application developed only for whatzapp.
● status download app is known as story saver application.
● status downloader is one of the unique application to show use of other whatzapp status.
● status downloader for whatzapp is impressive.
● status videos can also be saved.
Disclaimer : This application is not a product of "Whats-App" at all this is product of US.