We are of different family backgrounds, different personalities and character. Different strengths, weaknesses, skills and gifts. But just like the clear night sky, we shine like stars with different shapes and colors, brightness and sizes, that God has put altogether to display such a beautiful sight that makes an impact to those who sees us. Here we found our belonging & a true family. We still make mistakes, we are imperfect but by God’s Grace & Mercy learning together in this walk of faith with our God. And that’s why we love our Church! Do you love yours?
What you get:
• Take a short spiritual growth assessment to trigger personalized messages custom-fit to you.
• If life throws you a curve, use the GPS button to adjust your messages on-the-fly to reflect your current needs.
• Choose from hand-picked topics on the Tracks tab to help you move forward.
• Read on your schedule. Use Reminders to set a schedule of notifications reminding you to open the app to read Scripture tailored to where you are.
• Use the Me tab to get an overview of your spiritual life and areas of growth.
• Save your favorite messages and share via social media.