Solve your doubts with the help of the flower of luck.
With this application you can answer yourself to your questions or doubts with a completely random answer. This application simulates the popular game of defoliate the daisy, to ask if some person, love you or not, among other possible doubt, it will turn also ecologic, because they prevent you spoil a flower to resolve your doubts.
But not only this, but also it will allow us to make small traps if someone look also the results.
If you press the "PLAY" button in the middle the result will be totally random.
If you press the "PLAY" button on the far left, the result will always YES
If you press the "PLAY" button on the extremity of the right, the result will always NO
Undoubtedly, an interesting application of entertainment to help us decide our moments of doubt, and also have some fun time.