Z88Mobile is a finite element tool for mobile devices which is compatible to Z88
Z88Mobile is a real finite elements program for Finite Elements Analysis (FEA) featuring not only beams and trusses in space and plane but also full-featured continuum FEA elements like plane stress elements, axisymmetric elements and Reissner-Mindlin plate elements with an isoparametric quadratic serendipity approach with 6 nodes each.
Z88Mobile is the successor of Z88Tina and a small cousin of our full-featured freeware FEA program Z88Aurora (www.z88.de) and derived from the open source FEA program Z88V14OS.
- draw beam structures via touch display to create nodes and elements
- load projects built with Z88V14OS
- easy access by two mode system (beginner/ professional)
- grafical offline documentation, extensive online documentation
- support of 8 finite element types (beam, truss, cam, plate, torus, plane stress)
You can send feedback to support the continuous improvement process of Z88Mobile.