Numbers and Counting up to 20

5 bởi Numberjacks
Aug 5, 2019

Về Numbers and Counting up to 20

Các hoạt động giúp trẻ em học cách đếm và nhận biết con số lên đến 20.

These activities with the Numberjacks help children learn to count and recognise numerals.

Five different number ranges can be used with the counting activities, starting with 1-5 and finishing with 10-20, allowing the app to be matched to a child’s development.

Children love to copy and count along, so the main activities each have a level where the numbers are spoken as items are counted, helping children become familiar with the number names and their order.

As children hear the numbers they also see the matching number of items, helping them make the link between the number name and the quantity.

The activities also have a level where the numbers are not spoken as the items are counted, making them more challenging as children have to do the counting on their own.

Tracing the Numberjacks and numbers gives children practice at forming numerals correctly.

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