Welcome to the VR Army Museum! A Virtual Reality collection of military vehicles
Welcome to the VR Army Museum! Enjoy a collection of the world's most famous army machines, including tanks, helicopters and much more exclusive models from the first and second world wars! All in Virtual Reality! Admire german tanks, american jeeps and even russian rocket-laucher trucks! If you like military vehicles this app is for you! Have fun!
This App works with on-screen joystick or Google Cardboard VR!
These are some the main features of this app:
· 3 different modes to view and explore (with VR Cardboard Glasses or similar and Gaze controlled teleportation, VR + Android compatible joystick free movement, or with onscreen joysticks if you do not wish to use any VR gear at all )
· High Definition Graphics with FULL HD quality
· Compatible with all Cardboard VR Gearsets and similar SBS viewers (side by side)
An App by The Silicon Vally One Man Army - An Independent Developer