3x5 minutes per day to fight Musculoskeletal Disorders !
3x5 minutes per day to fight Musculoskeletal Disorders: MSDs
• 5 minutes to warm-up the body ready for activity
• 5 minutes to adopt the good postures
• 5 minutes of stretching to relax the muscles
Codeveloped by the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health and L’Oréal Professionnel, this programme helps you to fight against Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs).
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are problems affecting muscles, tendons, nerves and joints. They are responsible for:
• about 3 out of 4 professional diseases among hairdressers*
• loss of earnings due to sick leave*
• early retirement*
*Source: Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie, 2014