Plan and Schedule your appointments with us from your Mobile device.
Infinity Healing Center in Lusby, MD was created with a focus on Lyme and Chronic Pain management. High levels of wellness and health are possible for you with access to the right information, water, food, environment, and community. There are a wide variety of therapies that are possible solutions to your health issues – these can include both traditional medicine and holistic, supportive therapies.
What you need is high quality information and personal guidance so you can make the right choices for you – putting you in control of your own health. It’s not about replacing your current traditional care – it’s about providing supportive therapies to enhance your healing.
Here at Infinity Healing, we provide you with supportive therapy solutions that fit your unique qualities and challenges – so you can begin your path towards optimal health.
Download the Infinity Healing App today to plan and schedule your appointments!
From this mobile App you can view schedules, book appointments, view ongoing promotions, as well as view our location and contact information. You can also click through to our social pages! Optimize your time and maximize the convenience of booking your appointments from your device! Download this App today!