Dont be other people, just be yourself for make happier.
How To Be Yourself - Relationship Advice That Will Help You Find Yourself In Every Area Of Your Life, Have you ever heard a great quote and just thought I need to tell someone about that? Well I heard one the other day that just really struck a chord with me. Here is the quote, "It is better to be hated for what you are, than loved for something you are not." This quote was spoken by Andre Gide. I want to make this a theme in my life and you should make it one in yours as well.
In this app we also learn about:
How to be yourself in daily life
How to be yourself for motivated
Speak From the Heart
How To Sell Yourself
How to Free Yourself
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Learn more about how to be yourself:
Let this be the standard that you strive for. Think of this as relationship advice for every type of relationship in your life. Being yourself isn't always easy. The world is full of pressures that lead us in every direction except being ourselves. We are told what to wear, how to think, and who to hang out with. In the end what matters though is not what others think about us, but how we lived our lives. In each of us there are things I refer to as core beliefs. These are the things we would be willing to die for.
Stop caring so much that "so and so" said "this and that" and worry more about how you are living your life in comparison to your set of core beliefs. Being yourself takes guts and heart! When it comes to the tough decisions which way do you normally go? Well most people would say that they are generally good people and do the right things. If there was a child in a burning building many of us would run in to save them. That takes guts, but that is not what I am talking about. What are you like when no one is watching, how do you handle the small seemingly insignificant decisions in your life.
Each of these decisions is part of the sum total of who you are. They are small, but they matter a great deal. Do you talk about others instead of building them up? Do you take advantage of small things when no one is looking? Do you tell small lies if it makes you look better? Being yourself is worth it! As Andrew said, "it is better to be hated..." In the end if we follow our own set of core beliefs we will be better off than if we try to please those around us. Now this may mean you will not fit in with the norms of society and that you will be faced with some of your biggest fears in life. Yet in still you were created as a special unique person who has infinite value. There was no purpose in making a copy, you were made special.
Don't lessen your value by trying to attain someone else's purpose in life. This is my goal for the year, well this is one of my goals for the year. Always be yourself. Stand head and shoulders above everyone else in my own uniqueness and special way through living by my core values.
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