সরল পরামর্শ আপনার খাদ্য আসক্তি কাটিয়ে ওঠার জন্য।
Simple guidelines to improve your daily life.
Avoid buying crapy food is the first and most important step, just buy healthy and good food for you, to do so you have to plan your triggers, when you are strong enough prepare how will you react to your triggers and plan with as much detail as possible what will you do, sport, go cinema, walk, meditate, go visit some friend or family member...it´s up to you, just plan it and even write it with as much detail as possible, when the craving happens just count to 10, breathe deeply and follow your plan as well as you can until the craving pass, the more you use this technique the easier it will for you to leave your addiction.
Control your binge eating so you can have a better life. Control your eating disorder so you can focus on the things you want for your life.