Do You Even? icon

Do You Even?

1.0.1 by Nelson Wu
Aug 11, 2014

About Do You Even?

One-Rep Max calculator with RPE. This gym buddy picks weights and sets to lift

Back in the gym! Are you looking to make some GAINS?

Do You Even? is a one-rep max calculator that also suggests sets to do based on your estimated 1RM. Check out the sweet charts!

The app can be used for:

- Comparing efforts and judging progress with varying rep schemes.

- Strength programming: Linear progression while varying the reps

- Auto-regulation aid for RPE based training

Great for powerlifters or anyone looking to add weight to their big compound movements. Cut the junk from your workouts and make the most of your time in the gym with weights you can handle and progress with.

Do you even lift?

*This version is the same as the Free version except without the ads*




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Requires Android



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