শীর্ষ কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য হোম ও প্রাকৃতিক প্রতিকার
Constipation is one of the commonly found health issue troubling people in maintaining their daily health routine. A study shows that around 20 % of people visiting doctors have constipation as their major problem due to their imbalanced food dietary habits. Mainly, constipation is a problem characterized by a lesser rate of bowel movements in days or weeks.
The trouble it causes does not end here as it involves multiple unpleasant symptoms causing discomfort in digesting food, abdominal bloating and pain. Considering constipation as an increasing health problem, many natural ways can be adapted to reduce its negative effects on a daily routine. The given home remedies are extremely easy and kitchen friendly and can comfort you within hours.
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